Call today for more details about our auto dealership / leasing programs!
Apple Graphics Inc. has teamed up with numerous car dealerships, leasing companies, and lending institutions. We have put together a program where you can get the vehicle wrap included in your payment which makes the cost of the ad that much more affordable.
For example: A 2018 Ford Transit Van (perfect for a mobile billboard) - this wrap would be adding an extra $60 - $100 a month depending on the vehicle purchase options. Where as a full wrap on that specific model would normally run about three to four thousand out of pocket after the lease or purchase of the vehicle. So for any company looking to lease a company vehicle, this is a great affordable way to get your brand name recognized.
For Short-Term wrap options, and special financial programs for case by case basis,
The participating dealerships are: Colonial Nissan of Feasterville, PA, All Star Nissan of Devon, PA, Holberts Volkswagon of Warrington, PA, Fleetway of Feasterville, PA, Willis Honda of Burlington, Davis Dealerships PA, NJ, and John Kennedy Dealerships PA, Fred Beans of PA.
Locations include:
Conshohocken PA, Feasterville PA, Jenkintown PA, Phoenixville PA, Pottstown PA, Plymouth Meeting PA, Doylestown PA, Newtown PA, Devon PA, Boyertown PA, West Chester PA Flemington NJ.
To get the process started, please fill out this simple form and we will contact you right away.